Sunday, July 4, 2010

One Step at A time

Even if I am slow, i think I am making progress.

If only I can stop lying to myself. 

Up and about today to start on the analysis of projects/technologies for my paper.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Today, I was busy running after those who fail to submit their reports. Seven institutes and early submission came from three. not even half. 

Maybe it indicates how I should act towards my paper. 
I must start writing and stopping sleeping extra hours. after all these sacrifices, i can sleep all weekend. 
i can stare at the movies and watch to  my heart's content.

Tomorrow, i will submit my graduation application form and also the application for comprehensive examination. 

I am looking forward a happy birthday on the August 15th. 
I know what to wish for. and i guess you have an idea.

Let's have a great and productive week.