Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I have been having a "space" lately. Lots of space. which means I am lagging behind schedule. Much more than I should be. There seems to be no energy left when I get home and have to go straight to bed. Here are the things that has been clouding my mind:

  1. If the application push through, how will I finish my paper on time?
  2. There are so many issues popping up lately, how will I tell him that he might have to let me go before he does? 
  3.  Am I ready to do this? In a sense that, am I ready to let go of the perks that I get from this no-guarantee-of-tenure position? The perks? Great friends, familiar work, management responsibility, Huge responsibility, and other things that I can  not identify now since I still have them with me. 
  4. Am I ready to do this? If I am part of the team, it would be no problem. But I am in-charge of the team. Even if I am not here most of the time, the responsibility is there. Should I leave it now?
  5. Money, Money, Money. Am I that rich? It seems everyone has been sending me text messages asking for a loan. With Che is okay since I know that what she borrowed is something that is not actually life changing, but the two text I received this week is domestic related money issue.
  6. Can I really handle construction of the house this year? But I wanted to have a house of my own so badly. I am losing a lot of time, pretending we are coping with the present arrangement.
  7. Where the hell is my Uncle who is supposed to start discussing with me the details of my house and how are we going to deal with the budget issue.
  8. I want to start with my business so badly but I can't do so many things at the same time. :(
  9. I feel unwell.
  10. Should I cancel the interview today?
Done with the mind dump. Now, let me see your comments.

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